General Privacy Policy
This website is managed by (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) Koi Show, amondi Media d.o.o., based in Zagreb, Address: Radnicka 47, OIB: 20380401877, (hereinafter referred to as “Koi Show”). The purpose of this document is to define the general policy and rules that apply to the protection of all personal data relating to individuals obtained by Koi Show during its regular operations. Through this privacy policy (“Policy”), Koi Show aims to provide its users with clear information about the processing and protection of their personal data within the services it offers. Koi Show attaches particular importance to the protection of the privacy of its users’ personal data in accordance with applicable regulations and best European practices. Protecting the privacy of Koi Show users is an important element in shaping each of our services.

The defined policy applies throughout the organization of Koi Show to all processes in which personal data of individuals (data subjects) are used. In this Privacy Policy, “personal data” refers to any information about you that you provide to us, for example, when you sign up for education, workshops, or provide us with your personal data through our website, including (but not limited to) your name, surname, contact information, address, date of birth, occupation, company name, and so on. We collect personal data through our website via contact forms and automatically using web cookies, as well as through enrollment forms or according to service execution agreements. We collect some data through video surveillance in some of our facilities.


Privacy Policy
At Koi Show, we are aware that our success depends on the satisfaction of Koi Show members, but also on the measures we take to protect their rights regarding the personal data we necessarily collect and process concerning the purpose of processing and the applicable regulations we apply in our business. Therefore, the protection of personal data of all individuals in all procedures we carry out daily to fulfill our business and legal obligations is one of the fundamental policies and obligations that we adhere to in our business. Through a systematic approach to managing the protection of personal data, we want to create a secure environment for all individuals that ensures privacy and fundamental freedoms and rights regarding personal data for our members. By adopting this policy, in which we have regulated and introduced rules and responsibilities, processes, methods, techniques, and tools, we have committed all our employees and other participants in our business processes to apply this policy, principles, and prescribed rules regarding the protection of personal data with the aim of systematic management and continuous improvement of privacy protection and personal data. Implementing the principles and guidelines of this policy at Koi Show is mandatory across the entire scope of business in processes that use and process personal data.

Cookie Policy
A cookie is a file that is stored on a computer or mobile device when visiting websites. Through cookies, websites, for example, remember your actions and desired settings such as login, language, font size, and other desired settings related to display, so they do not need to be re-entered each time you return to the website.

Use of cookies
The cookies we use do not collect personal data such as names, surnames, email addresses, and the like. Instead, Koi Show uses functional cookies to recognize users’ visits to websites, remember your preferences, and improve and provide a personalized user experience.

Cookie Information
Additional information about web cookies is available on pages such as the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EU), Internet Advertising Bureau (US), Internet Advertising Bureau (EU), Personal Data Protection Agency (AZOP). You can remove cookies by deleting them, and if you refuse our cookies, some features and benefits of our websites may not work properly.

Basic Principles
The principles on which we base our personal data protection policy and according to which we systematically build and improve our processes, processing, and personal data protection measures arise from the principles of personal data processing defined in Article 5 of the GDPR Regulation. Accordingly, the application of the following principles is mandatory:

  • Lawfulness, fairness, transparency
    Koi Show wants to be a reliable partner to users in protecting their privacy and justify the trust placed in it. Therefore, Koi Show will enable users to exercise all rights granted to them by the General Data Protection Regulation. Personal data processing is carried out in accordance with positive regulations governing the protection of personal data, but in addition, we always seek to apply the best European practice.
  • Purpose limitation
    Koi Show collects and processes personal data only for a specific purpose and does not process them further in a manner that is incompatible with the purpose for which they were collected, unless otherwise required by law or with the user’s consent.
  • Data minimization
    Koi Show uses only those personal data that are appropriate and necessary to achieve a specific purpose.
  • Accuracy of personal data
    Through regular processing and control activities, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the data, and necessary corrections or deletions of incorrect data must be made without delay.
  • Limitation of data storage
    The storage and retention of personal data in a form that allows the identification of data subjects are allowed only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing, in accordance with defined internal and legal rules and deadlines for data storage.
  • Integrity and confidentiality
    Appropriate technical and organizational measures must be applied in all personal data processing to ensure appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and protection against accidental loss, destruction, or damage.
  • Reliability
    In the processes of collecting and processing personal data, it is obligatory to ensure appropriate records through which we can prove the reliability and compliance of our processing with the above principles.

Purpose of collecting and processing personal data

Personal data processing we conduct is related to providing services and information about our services and informing Koi Show members. We use personal data in processing to fulfill our contractual obligations – provide and maintain services such as certification, training, and education, execute and improve courses and educational programs, improve security, detect and prevent fraud, illegal activities, or technical issues, and fulfill our legal obligations. We also use personal data to communicate with you to respond to inquiries about services and provide useful data or requested information. To gain a better understanding of the ways personal data are used, we provide some specific examples: Creating and managing your user accounts for online services, providing access to specific seminar contents and services for which you have applied, tracking individual and group attendance, progress monitoring, analyzing participants’ progress and learning, tracking and detecting potential misuse of our websites, improving and simplifying the use of content and services, providing information about seminars and services for which you have applied, responding to your inquiries and providing customer support, understanding your needs to offer services that interest you, sending updates on the latest seminars and other services and events, as well as information related to the operation of our websites and their update times, researching and analyzing possibilities to improve our services individually (e.g., understanding your user experience regarding access, ease of use, and performance of our websites). In some of our facilities, we use video surveillance for property and personal protection.

Processing of personal data for information purposes
In order to inform our members about changes in legislative regulations and all other relevant data for performing tasks and activities in spatial planning and construction, newsletters are occasionally sent to Koi Show members, we conduct surveys, and for this purpose, we collect and process a minimal set of personal data of targeted groups of individuals.

Security of Personal Data Processing and Protection Measures
By implementing appropriate protection measures and regularly monitoring their application, we strive to continuously raise the level of security in all processing of personal data. Koi Show employs a range of technical and organizational data protection measures to safeguard users’ data from unauthorized access by individuals both within and outside Koi Show, alteration, loss, theft, and any other breaches or misuse of data in accordance with current regulations in the Republic of Croatia, as well as best European practices.

Data Storage
Personal data is stored on our own equipment in the official premises of Koi Show. Personal data is generally processed in the Republic of Croatia. In exceptional cases, they are processed in other countries, but always ensuring the appropriate protection of personal data and informing users.

Transfer of Your Personal Data Outside the European Economic Area
Although Koi Show is based in Croatia, our business partners are located worldwide, and therefore we or our service providers occasionally transfer your personal data. Additionally, we will share your personal data if requested by the competent institution or investigative authorities through legal means.

Awareness-raising Program on Personal Data Protection
All employees have a duty and obligation to continuously raise their level of knowledge and awareness of the requirements for protecting personal data.

Right to Lodge a Complaint with the Supervisory Authority
If you believe that the processing of your personal data is not in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority. For the Republic of Croatia, the supervisory authority is the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency, headquartered at Martićeva ulica 14, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, website:, tel .: +385 1 4609 000.

User Rights
Subject to the conditions of the General Data Protection Regulation, the user has the right to access their personal data collected by Koi Show, the right to erasure (right to be forgotten), the right to restrict processing, the right to object, the right to data portability, and the right to rectification of personal data if they are incorrect. If the processing of your personal data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time without any consequences. For any questions related to data processing, the user can contact us via email at [email protected]
Note – when submitting a request, identification of the requester is necessary. The reason is to protect you as the owner of personal data.

Changes, Amendments, and Entry into Force of the Policy
This Policy is adopted as the public part of the Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data at Koi Show and shall enter into force and be applicable from August 1, 2022. Users will be promptly informed of any changes and amendments to the Policy, including through publication on the Koi Show website.

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